Company Features

Mega Young is specialized in designing, researching and developing gyratory sifter and conveying equipment. Along with the amount of gyratory sifter applied in our customers’ industry application increasing, and in order to service our customer better, we start the manufacturing and designing gyratory sifter equipment and conveying equipment from reception of our company, our products has been used in mineral industry application, chemical industry application, agriculture industry application, food industry application, medicine industry and other industries successfully after many years.

Refer to customers’ feedback and situation happened about our products at application site, we summarize and study the feedback information and research new solution continuously, then we get one professional and experienced technical team. We are willing to share and supply our studying achievement with our customer, thus providing more reliable screening and conveying technical solutions.

Company Profile

M&Y’s Mission Statement

Mega Young Screening Technology Co., Ltd is devoted to total quality management, meaning that every M&Y employee works to provide the highest standards for M&Y products and customer support. And we are professional in researching and developing our products, our enterprise core purpose is supplying our customers the right screening solution in precision screening application.